Intro: Another Newb

Apr 18, 2021
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Hey all:

Just decided today to buy a drone. Haven't bought one yet, but quickly zeroed in on the 3DR Solo because it's got a cool story behind it (I was searching for "American Made").

Also new to drones, although I'm this close to getting my private rotorcraft license (actual helicopters) so feeling comfy and perhaps hedging my rotorcraft bet. Also a software engineer and am told that Solo is opensouce but haven't really gone down that rabbit hole yet.

Would love to hear what the pitfalls and workarounds are to Solo owning/operation and whether it's a good unit to start with and maybe get some long-term service out of it.

Thanks in advance.

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It’s still the smartest drone out there in its price range and would serve you well


There are a couple of caveats to this

All batteries are at least 5 years old and your flight time will be limited or non existent
So you will need to look at the battery mods available , just search this forum as there are many ways to do it.

As any one you buy will most likely have been factory reset (to remove personal passwords) your first task should be to update to OPenSolo4
Again, there are plenty of tutorials here and on the Ardupilot forms.
You'll want to upgrade the factory GPS unit to either an mRo or a HERE unit I think. The GPS search time and stability is the most-cited reason for frustration, historically.

I hope your software experience includes python - There is a SOLID base to the Solo, but it needs bringing up to current. Most folks have moved onto new-and-shiny, but the base operation code of the Solo certainly still has validity.
You'll want to upgrade the factory GPS unit to either an mRo or a HERE unit I think. The GPS search time and stability is the most-cited reason for frustration, historically.

I hope your software experience includes python - There is a SOLID base to the Solo, but it needs bringing up to current. Most folks have moved onto new-and-shiny, but the base operation code of the Solo certainly still has validity.
I have no idea how to code up a flying machine, but have been fooling around with Python for about a year in the Natural Language Processing/Machine Learning area. If there's some a project that needs some manpower I'm happy to see if I can be of assistance.

I will def need help with the battery thing because, as I know how to use a soldering iron, I can't say I'm too keen on it and hardware was never my thing. I've been scanning the discussions about that and I'm easily baffled by electronics and continually amazed by DIY'ers who talk as if it's easy...I probably should have mentioned that right off!
The GPS is a worthwhile upgrade to do and is just plug and play, if you can wield a screwdriver your good.

The best battery option would be the JB version which you can buy, and just plug in and go.

The OpenSolo4 upgrade is easy to do following the instructions and will only be different depending on the ground station you are using, PC, android, iOS or Mac.
No programming skills required, although the open. solo page on the Audupilot Wiki does have you command lining, there is no need.
I use SidePilot on iOS and its just a few button taps and some patients.
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