New to Posting been flying 3DR since the Launch

Hope everyone is having a great day. I hope to find New ways to maximize my 3DR usage. New Gimbal alternatives and Camera suggestions are greatly appreciated! Again happy to be here!
Hey WakenBake - What are you flying? Running Iris+, Solo & DIY here...don't be a stranger!

There is a newish camera/gimbal folks are starting to run from SIYI - I don't have details but if you're on Facebook or know someone that is there is an active group of Solo experts and users that are extremely helpful.
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I'm Running two 3DR Solos On Solex and I might be looking to get another one
Lot's of Solos FS out there (and on this site). Prices are cratering due to the battery issue. I'm running the battery mods from JB's store : BMSOne V2 Plug and Play

This allows using an easy to find RC battery to power Solo and provide the per-cell voltages as well as the overall SOC. Must keep them flying! You'll definitely find another if you're looking...GL!
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I'm Running two 3DR Solos On Solex and I might be looking to get another one
The SIYI A8 Mini is a good gimbal/camera option for the Solo. There's an easy installation kit for it in this store, and lots of other upgrades and options. Even fully ready to fly Solos are available here.


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