Need recommendations for a 3D printer...

May 8, 2017
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Portland Oregon
Hey, that's as off topic as they get right? But my wife is an engineer and I want to buy her one for her birthday (and not just because I'll be getting her to make me drone parts and attachments). Anyway, wondering if anyone wants to throw in their two cents regarding 3D printers, what you've used, downsides upsides, recommendations etc. All comments appreciated (unless you're spreading rumors about beer).
Hey, that's as off topic as they get right? But my wife is an engineer and I want to buy her one for her birthday (and not just because I'll be getting her to make me drone parts and attachments). Anyway, wondering if anyone wants to throw in their two cents regarding 3D printers, what you've used, downsides upsides, recommendations etc. All comments appreciated (unless you're spreading rumors about beer).

Hey, I built myself a CL-360 (ultimaker knock-off) which came in as a kit from Aliexpress for $300.... Yes, it was a bit of a learning curve but the idea was to learn all the technicality associated with the process. I have used printers of many forms/sizes. For home use i think, FDM and SLA are the best choices. Depending on your budget and willingness to put up with the nuances, you can spend anywhere between $350-5K for a decent unit. Lemme know if you need info on a specific make/model.

I would recommend that you look into the following: Ultimaker, Prusa, Form 2, Lulzbot, BCN3D, Wanhao Duplicator series.
Lemme know if i can help :)

Update: My chinese knock-off prints 10x better than the Makerbot Replicator + (6th gen) I have at work. Makerbot was almost 10x expensive as compared my cheapo.
Thanks for the tips folks, I know she was interested in the duel extruder models, she'd also been looking at the delta robot type models by seemecnc I think it was called (but they seemed to get bad reviews due to the construction using cheap bendable plastic parts and some sort of under heated head issue). The delta types also seemed to lend themselves to much larger builds/prints though..

I know someone recommended the
Prusa i3 MK2

I was also originally looking at buying her the
Flashforge Dreamer 3D Printer

How would either of those compare to the models you guys bought? Better, worse? I've got a 1K budget but willing to go to 1.5K if needs be, so shoot some suggestions at me....... She'd have no issues building her own if it's a kit type deal, that's what she does, but hey, as someone who knows nothing about these things, I'm looking for bells, whistles and flashing lights.......... which may mean I get her a printer and I buy me 3 more solo's....
Hands down get her the Prusa i3 Mk2. Only available from the Prusa website. Can buy it as a kit or preassembled. I have the kit. Wonderful machine.

What he said !

I feel like it's a no BS printer sold at a very good price-point with quite usable tech built into it. And the support community built around Prusa is huge !!!

The Flashforge I feel isn't worth thr money. My buddy got a Wanhao Duplicator 4S which is identical to Flasforge Creator Pro, only cheaper. They are old gen makerbot knockoffs.... his Wanhao performs pretty good but isn't worth what he paid for it imo.
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Interesting to see this from a different vantage point. I wandered into my local College's presentation of their 3D program 6 months ago. Needless to say I was blown away. Their program evolves around a $350k machine that handles 18 filaments simultaneously. Went home and did a little research and ordered an Anet A8 which is a $160 Chinese clone of the highly touted Pruisa i3 in kit form. Free shipping from China and it arrived in 10 days.

Joined a dedicated FB page of the same that sports 41,000+ members worldwide which in itself is an experience. It's been an amazing adventure and matches my Solo UAS realm as an incredible open source environment.

You get to put the thousand or so pieces it arrives in together and then pretty much rebuild it to overcome several low quality flaws by printing braces, adding MOSFETs, and such. My original game plan was to use the A8 to learn from and so I have. Besides the obvious of actual printing there first comes design and slicing. I'm presently mastering the Autodesk Fusion 360 design application which is free to enthusiasts. So much for that. Very obvious you guys are in a totally different space. Great to see this discussed in a place outside the 3D world. Carry on!
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I bought a Monoprice Maker Select V2.1 for $300 specifically to be able to print a Solo mount for my Sony A6000 camera. i had zero experience with 3D printers but did a lot of research before ordering the printer. it took me about 20 minutes to assemble and i've been printing almost every day now for several weeks. The only change i've made is to add a $10 mosfet, a 'must do' mod.

It sounds to me as if you have the resources to buy a more expensive printer but I suggest that you start with a Maker Select, learn the 3D ropes, then consider something like the recently released Prusa mk3.

I am also using Fusion 360 for design.
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IrishmanPDX- nothing says I Love You like a 3D printer for her birthday- just don’t buy her a vacuum cleaner for Christmas.
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I have a Lulzbot Taz 4 (6 is now out). Its a fast printer and can support dual extruders. More of a turn-key solution, and may be out of your price range. Support is excellent. They are actually made in the USA, not China. And you won't have to swap out parts to make it print right/better.
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well I’m no expert- but I DO believe an airplane for Christmas in an acceptable gift for a loved one- I have never rec’d one myself tho-
Guessing your Christmas budget in higher than mine!

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