3DR no longer takes calls...

I dunno. Now I have to learn how to type for customer service. It is NOT on the box that I need to learn how to type for product support. When I placed my online order for Solo at BH they made no mention that I needed to learn how to type. This is a game changer for me. I will seek damages with the assistance from the FBI, CIA, FTC, SEC and CPSC.
This cannot stand! I am forming an email to my attorney as I type this... 3DR is DOOMED...
Somehow this rather hilarious post got lost in the heat of the debate.
I'm not so concerned, considering my Solo RMA experience only started with 1 short 3 minute phone call and then was perfectly handled via email until completed. If we send logs like we should be and open a support ticket, there really is no need to pick up the phone.
Put yourself in their shoes. Most of their calls are probably a not so tech savvy consumer that is more than likely a bit pissed off and a technician. In my opinion, that techs time can be better spent picking up open tickets, reading logs and sending either custom or scripted responses. More efficient = better response times.
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If 3DR can save a lot of money on this: why not. Personally for me, emails or chats are more convenient way for technical support: I am not native English speaker, everything is documented and sometimes it takes time for 3DR to find a best suitable solution. Just my opinion.
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A few people pointed out that 3DR no longer takes any calls, when calling the support line. However, I wanted to start a thread so everyone gets to know about this. I wonder what this means?! Did they run out of money? Do they focus more on industrial products? What is going on?


p.s. not that there is much to say here, but at least the title will be visible for everyone. : )
I've had my solo11/2 weeks 3rd time out it flipped over broke a propeller so I thought it was stuck or something I did it again and it flipped again the third time I just started the motors got closer and 04 motor was not spinning. I sent 3 DR a trouble after a few days of e-mailing, I tried to call and something said they weren't taking calls, I expressed my thoughts on what good it does to have a support and cant talk to a real person. They asked for my number and called me, we got it figured out and they are sending me a new motor and 4 propellers.
If chat support is available I would consider this a wise move. Nice to have personal contact but for this I rely on friends. What I'm experiencing with 3DR is they have such a hard time to ship. They are short inventory or short staff? They need to rationalize and chat support is one way.

A few people pointed out that 3DR no longer takes any calls, when calling the support line. However, I wanted to start a thread so everyone gets to know about this. I wonder what this means?! Did they run out of money? Do they focus more on industrial products? What is going on?


p.s. not that there is much to say here, but at least the title will be visible for everyone. : )

They also shut down their san diego office.
I use to take my solo there personally to speed up the RMA process since they're balls slow sometimes.

yeah cant do that anymore.
I have an outstanding support request that I placed on their website over two weeks ago with zero response. I'm new to the whole UAV experience, so I just thought that was normal. I started scouring the forums and found some decent answers, so, again, I thought that was just part of the culture.
To me, it was well worth it to pay more for this product than others, just because of costumer support. NOW I feel RIPPED OFF.
I have an outstanding support request that I placed on their website over two weeks ago with zero response. I'm new to the whole UAV experience, so I just thought that was normal. I started scouring the forums and found some decent answers, so, again, I thought that was just part of the culture.
Use the chat to follow up the information about your order available to you on their site is misleading it may show as payement processed and it may be incomplete. I had an order in this state because they split the order in 2 because the memory card was in a different warehouse so my payment was not applied to the rest of the order. For close to 3 months it was showing as shipping "processing" when in fact they were waiting for payment. Leaving for Peru in 15 days with the Solo and still waiting for order that was started early December. ..
To me, it was well worth it to pay more for this product than others, just because of costumer support. NOW I feel RIPPED OFF.

But the customer support hasn't changed. If you have an issue, they still take care of it just the same. They'll still talk to you over the phone if the issue requires, they just don't have a staff of people sitting by phones 24/7 waiting for calls.

I'm sorry, but I'm just not seeing the issue here.
I have an outstanding support request that I placed on their website over two weeks ago with zero response. I'm new to the whole UAV experience, so I just thought that was normal. I started scouring the forums and found some decent answers, so, again, I thought that was just part of the culture.
Touch base with them again, one of my issues went unresolved for weeks because stupidly all their support email goes to one email then from there gets distributed.
Sometimes it doesn't and causes confusion, its happened on more than 1 occasion.

DJI has crappy support but with 3DR having NO phone support now...... that is definitely marks against them.
Use the chat to follow up the information about your order available to you on their site is misleading it may show as payement processed and it may be incomplete. I had an order in this state because they split the order in 2 because the memory card was in a different warehouse so my payment was not applied to the rest of the order. For close to 3 months it was showing as shipping "processing" when in fact they were waiting for payment. Leaving for Peru in 15 days with the Solo and still waiting for order that was started early December. ..

This doesn't sound like a direct order, it sounds like you have an issue with a retailer. That's not 3DR

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