A drone question not for sensitive people.

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Jun 13, 2017
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South Africa and Africa
Seriously if you get annoyed quickly rather leave this alone this question may upset sensitive folks.

Here is a question and so what would your answer be? The question is at the end, so to set the question up.

If I fly my solo drone inside a jumbo airplane that is traveling @ 500 km east while the drone is on the floor it is also traveling at 500 km east but as the drone takes off and hovers does the drone now continue to travel 500 km east continually?
My answer is NO. The drone velocity will slowly come to zero and although the drone is hovering from your position the drone will eventually hit the back of the plane.

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If I swap the car for the earth and the drone for a jumbo airplane, the question then is = is the earth spinning and moving?
What mode is the bird in? Is it set to manual or GPS? Or perhaps VPS ?

Or are you simply asking a physics inertia question?
GPS or manual the principle stays the same. For example a bird landing on a moving platform

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why doesn’t the bird land in the opposite direction? The bird instinctively knows he cannot land against the motion.

If the earth was moving these birds would not be able to land in any direction as they do. the principle in flying a drone is the same = when you take off and land in the same spot with or without GPS. IF your position moved AFTER TAKEOFF then your drone would have to fly further in the direction of the motion and shorter in the opposite direction. You cannot escape this basic principle. Drones prove that the earth is motionless the same as birds do. it is what it is.

I filmed these birds landing with a small cam that I picked up cheap. BIRDS LANDING
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so the same as with a drone. if the earth was whizzing through space at over 666 000 miles an hour tilted at 66.6 degrees or 23.4 same thing . your drone would be useless GPS or FLY MANUAL.
Imagine you are aboard a fast train. While it is moving, you throw a stone upwards, then catch it. Question: What kind of path did the stone trace, from your point of view? Answer: straight up, then straight back down. Question: What path did the stone trace, from the point of view of a person on the ground outside the train? Answer: A parabolic path. Which is correct? Answer: Both. They are both correct descriptions of the same event, as seen from two different points of view (AKA frames of reference). Question: Is the earth moving? Answer: Depends on your frame of reference.

Therefore, the original question is meaningless if the frame of reference is not clearly specified, and self-evident if it is.
Except that the GPS system and the receivers have the calculation for the movement of the earth built-in.

In manual mode the drone is subject to aerodynamic buffeting from airflow within the cabin of the plane. It will drift simply because the air is moving. Could be forward, could be sideways, could be backward. Aerodynamics. It has to do with the movement (dynamic) of air (aero)

Also, the mass of air that is the atmosphere (and which your birds and your drone use as a support medium thru aerodynamics) is subject to adhesion, friction, and gravity, and so MOVES WITH THE EARTH.

I expect I'm arguing into the wind as it were, however.
Wait. Lets take a step back here. Are you attempting to turn this into a platform to prove the earth is flat, it's not orbit the sun, the moon landing was fake, etc etc, etc. If that's the case, that kind of lunacy and delusion really has no business here. Take it back to social media with the rest of the complete idiots that believe everything they see in a meme on a facebook group. I know a few people like this. They're batshit crazy and are constantly posting this kind of crap trying to justify their delusions. Let me guess, next up is something about Yahweh then a new conspiracy on the horizon?? Do you by chance also sell Plexus?

If I'm right, nothing any of us say to him will matter. His mind was made up long ago and is literally beyond help. This is just a thinly veiled way of expressing a conspiracy theory.

If that's not where you're going and I just need to get more caffeine, never mind. But I'm pretty sure I've seen this before and I know the crazy when I see it.
Lesson 1 is Newton's first law of motion - sometimes referred to as the law of inertia. An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

There is no unbalanced force acting on the hovering drone - the air around it is traveling at the same speed as the drone (unless someone pulls out a portable hair dryer and blows on the drone).

So, the drone hovers right where it is. (Unless the pilot or the controller apply unbalanced force.)
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I love it when people who don't understand mathematics or physics try to use thought exercises to confirm their religious beliefs. I shot an interview with christian scientist who were trying to explain how book of genesis was real and who Noah flood really happened blah blah blah. When I asked how they explained the missing heat from the disappearing flood they said they were still looking into that question.
My late father contemplated all this when he wrote the following poem and since we all need to lighten up, I hope everybody has a chuckle:


This worm they call the Centipede, was crawling on a car.
The distance that it traveled for a worm was not too far,

But how the wind was blowing it scarce could navigate
And from the back and to the front it's course was laid out straight.

His fifty legs on either side he raised with utmost care,
And set his toes to grip and hold so as not to blow off there

And while he valiantly did try to go from aft to fore
The car was going down the road at fifty miles or more

Little did the creature know how swiftly he did fly
It was for him to crawl along and not to wonder why.

The man that held the steering wheel and made the car to go,
Thought he was just going for a ride and little did he know.

While the country side he knew beneath his wheels rolled by
Twenty times the speed he drove above him moved the sky.

And while he thought he traveled west the opposite was true,
For with the turning of the earth it was backwards that he flew.

And yet there was a greater speed with nothing to compare,
The earth in orbit 'round the sun, a year from here to there.

So crawl on little centipede and relate to what you see,
Leave Einstein then to theorize on relativity.
This seems fun and appropriate. And I also love any opportunity to post it.


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Wait. Lets take a step back here. Are you attempting to turn this into a platform to prove the earth is flat, it's not orbit the sun, the moon landing was fake, etc etc, etc. If that's the case, that kind of lunacy and delusion really has no business here. Take it back to social media with the rest of the complete idiots that believe everything they see in a meme on a facebook group. I know a few people like this. They're batshit crazy and are constantly posting this kind of crap trying to justify their delusions. Let me guess, next up is something about Yahweh then a new conspiracy on the horizon?? Do you by chance also sell Plexus?

If I'm right, nothing any of us say to him will matter. His mind was made up long ago and is literally beyond help. This is just a thinly veiled way of expressing a conspiracy theory.

If that's not where you're going and I just need to get more caffeine, never mind. But I'm pretty sure I've seen this before and I know the crazy when I see it.
@ peddels Like I said some folks tend to get upset when you ask deep questions. You are one of them. I said stay away and now you upset, I am sorry you upset yourself. The heaviest, most expensive and most ungrateful thing any person carries with them is their ego. You go ahead and carry yours don’t dump it on my shoulders. The issue is legitimate and carries Weight in regards to flying a drone and distance the drone travels. for example at 12 midnight and 12 midday flying east or west your drone should have to experience different circumstances and they do not. So the issue is when I calculate distance fixed from my position it is always the same. Or what is the equal and opposite reaction for the earth spin and motion to the drone, because there is none.

I certainly do not need your permission to ask questions however uncomfortable they may be.
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Lesson 1 is Newton's first law of motion - sometimes referred to as the law of inertia. An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

There is no unbalanced force acting on the hovering drone - the air around it is traveling at the same speed as the drone (unless someone pulls out a portable hair dryer and blows on the drone).

So, the drone hovers right where it is. (Unless the pilot or the controller apply unbalanced force.)

Finally a unemotional thought out answer which is what I was expecting from intelligent folks. So then where is the equal and opposite reaction to the drone of the earth spin and motion through the universe? At 12 midday and at sunrise and sunset and 12 midnight the drone has no change to its motion although experiencing totally different circumstances and earth speeds. In other words ignore the earth motion when you fly your drone and you will be fine. That’s it then. Unfortunately the crazy people act crazy and call someone crazy for simply asking a question…who then is the real crazy one?
Except that the GPS system and the receivers have the calculation for the movement of the earth built-in.

In manual mode the drone is subject to aerodynamic buffeting from airflow within the cabin of the plane. It will drift simply because the air is moving. Could be forward, could be sideways, could be backward. Aerodynamics. It has to do with the movement (dynamic) of air (aero)

Also, the mass of air that is the atmosphere (and which your birds and your drone use as a support medium thru aerodynamics) is subject to adhesion, friction, and gravity, and so MOVES WITH THE EARTH.

I expect I'm arguing into the wind as it were, however.

You assume an argument why? What you are not accounting for is distance. Let’s take a man on an escalator flying his drone. If his position has changed and is continually changing the RETURN DISTANCE cannot be the same as when he took off. In simple terms the return distance easterly has to be shorter than the return distance westerly even if you assume the air is moving with the drone. The DISTANCE has to change even if the GPS has his position locked. The return speed and distance is not the same for the drone and cannot be. Yet we find it is so why is that. A brain dead the air moves with the earth doesn’t cut it unfortunately.
Imagine you are aboard a fast train. While it is moving, you throw a stone upwards, then catch it. Question: What kind of path did the stone trace, from your point of view? Answer: straight up, then straight back down. Question: What path did the stone trace, from the point of view of a person on the ground outside the train? Answer: A parabolic path. Which is correct? Answer: Both. They are both correct descriptions of the same event, as seen from two different points of view (AKA frames of reference). Question: Is the earth moving? Answer: Depends on your frame of reference.

Therefore, the original question is meaningless if the frame of reference is not clearly specified, and self-evident if it is.

Frame of reference from the take off point to landing point. how come the drone return flight and speed is constant if the take off point moved?
My late father contemplated all this when he wrote the following poem and since we all need to lighten up, I hope everybody has a chuckle:


This worm they call the Centipede, was crawling on a car.
The distance that it traveled for a worm was not too far,

But how the wind was blowing it scarce could navigate
And from the back and to the front it's course was laid out straight.

His fifty legs on either side he raised with utmost care,
And set his toes to grip and hold so as not to blow off there

And while he valiantly did try to go from aft to fore
The car was going down the road at fifty miles or more

Little did the creature know how swiftly he did fly
It was for him to crawl along and not to wonder why.

The man that held the steering wheel and made the car to go,
Thought he was just going for a ride and little did he know.

While the country side he knew beneath his wheels rolled by
Twenty times the speed he drove above him moved the sky.

And while he thought he traveled west the opposite was true,
For with the turning of the earth it was backwards that he flew.

And yet there was a greater speed with nothing to compare,
The earth in orbit 'round the sun, a year from here to there.

So crawl on little centipede and relate to what you see,
Leave Einstein then to theorize on relativity.
exactly it was backward that he flew. Einstein may not be as smart as you think
As expected. I am attempting to explain the air to a fish.

Good day sir. You speak nonsense despite having good science laid at your feet.

Frame of reference from the take off point to landing point. how come the drone return flight and speed is constant if the take off point moved?

How long does it take to walk from the back of a train car to the front? The same amount of time that it takes to walk the other direction, regardless of the speed of the train, because everything in the train is moving TOGETHER at the same speed. Flying your drone fits this analogy. You are the back of a train car. Your drone walks to the other end (the farthest point in its flight) then returns to you, in the same amount of time, regardless of the speed at which the earth (the train car) is moving. Therefore, the fact that the flight times are equal does not reveal in any way whether or not the earth is moving, or in which direction, or how fast.

P.S. Saying that the frame of reference is the take off point, and then saying that the take off point has moved, reveals that you don't know what the phrase "frame of reference" means.
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As expected. I am attempting to explain the air to a fish.

Good day sir. You speak nonsense despite having good science laid at your feet.

non sense actually means not useing your senses. you speak without thinking. As I said this is not for the weak minded so you are excused. sorry you upset yourself.
if I wanted fake people I’ll go to fakebook...cheese let me send you a friend request LOL. The question is legit I don’t give a hoot if it upsets you. Grow up and think it out.
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