CABLE CAM freezing app issue

Apr 22, 2016
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I have an issue with Cable Cam smart shot freezing my device. It wont fly the cable or exit out of it either.
Has anybody else had this happen to them?

I have an issue with Cable Cam smart shot freezing my device. It wont fly the cable or exit out of it either.
Has anybody else had this happen to them?

I have had this problem all day today. Am at a scenic location and practiced MPCC prior to being at location to get the hang of it. Never had this problem during practice but started today and same thing where won't execute the cable and won't let me out. I can still manually fly and land the drone safely but then have to reboot everything to restore smart shots. Annoying as heck. Wasted all three of my batteries today troubleshooting. Also updated to the latest -01 update just released to no avail. Still presented problem. I was able to successfully set up and execute a three-point cable before running out of time today but no explanation why problem happened earlier. I am using Mot Droid Turbo2 brand new. Again annoying. Am writing 3dr tech support hoping for a fix.

Please let me know if anyone else figure this one out.


Edit - P.S. - if it helps isolate, my "freeze-up" always seemed to occur when I tried to hit "B" button to end the cable. (i.e. every "A" button tab produces the appropriate check mark response but "B" button produced no response and then you are unable to exit the cable.
I saw at fb that someone don't have this issue when "save to camera roll" and "record during shots" are disabled. Didn't tested those yet.
Yesterday I got the same issue, only way to reset it was to land and power cycle solo.

When I will be able I will try to disable those options and:

1. Power on solo, controller and android app
2. Wait for GPS lock
3. Power cycle solo
4. Fly
Check if the latest uptate completed?
Mines was stuck at "installing update"

After removing & reinstalling solo app, update competed & CC worked for me.

Hope this helps
I've did the same as you, first fly was ok.. sadly issue occur during next flying.
I have had this problem all day today. Am at a scenic location and practiced MPCC prior to being at location to get the hang of it. Never had this problem during practice but started today and same thing where won't execute the cable and won't let me out. I can still manually fly and land the drone safely but then have to reboot everything to restore smart shots. Annoying as heck. Wasted all three of my batteries today troubleshooting. Also
I have had this problem all day today. Am at a scenic location and practiced MPCC prior to being at location to get the hang of it. Never had this problem during practice but started today and same thing where won't execute the cable and won't let me out. I can still manually fly and land the drone safely but then have to reboot everything to restore smart shots. Annoying as heck. Wasted all three of my batteries today troubleshooting. Also updated to the latest -01 update just released to no avail. Still presented problem. I was able to successfully set up and execute a three-point cable before running out of time today but no explanation why problem happened earlier. I am using Mot Droid Turbo2 brand new. Again annoying. Am writing 3dr tech support hoping for a fix.

Please let me know if anyone else figure this one out.


Edit - P.S. - if it helps isolate, my "freeze-up" always seemed to occur when I tried to hit "B" button to end the cable. (i.e. every "A" button tab produces the appropriate check mark response but "B" button produced no response and then you are unable to exit the cable.

Hey. Yes this exactly the same problem I'm having. I written to 3DR but haven't heard a response. I will let you know what they say.

Ps, flew today with latest app update 2.3 and didn't happen, but not sure if it's completely gone. Hopefully it is the app update that fixes it.
Yes this is exactly the same problem I'm having. I have written to 3DR but haven't heard a response. I will let you know what they say.

Ps, flew today with latest app update 2.3 and didn't happen, but not sure if it's completely gone. Hopefully it is the app update that fixes it.
I saw at fb that someone don't have this issue when "save to camera roll" and "record during shots" are disabled.

Tested that just now and seems when those features are disabled then the behavior is resolved and the cable will complete and execute properly. Just had time to test with a single cable so not really definitive but it worked. Now we'll see how long before 3DR really fixes it. By the way, what do those "save to camera roll" and "record during shots" features do? never read up on them.

Cheers JC
If mpcc is freezing, please be sure to log a ticket so 3dr is aware of a potential issue. this is a tricky one because i have a galaxy tab s and mpcc has never froze on me whether it was 2 points or 20. i always leave save to camera roll and record during shots enabled btw.
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Tested that just now and seems when those features are disabled then the behavior is resolved and the cable will complete and execute properly. Just had time to test with a single cable so not really definitive but it worked. Now we'll see how long before 3DR really fixes it. By the way, what do those "save to camera roll" and "record during shots" features do? never read up on them.

Cheers JC

save to camera roll - will record a low quality version of the video feed to your mobile device. it can be used for sharing to social networks or for reviewing footage in the field.

record during shots - will automatically start recording when you enter a smart shot. when you press exit, recording will stop.

save to camera roll - will record a low quality version of the video feed to your mobile device. it can be used for sharing to social networks or for reviewing footage in the field.

record during shots - will automatically start recording when you enter a smart shot. when you press exit, recording will stop.

I'll be darned, that is why those streaming copies of all of my aerial vids have mystically appeared on my phone. As for the record during shots, I assume this only takes effect if you didn't already have the GoPro recording?

I did log a ticket with 3DR. I'm glad yours works flawlessly however it seems as if at least a few people here with different devices and configs all experienced the same issue at the same time. And it goes away when those two features are disabled for whatever reason. So gotta be some glitch I'd say. If I enable the two features, then Cable Cam freezes, if they are disabled, it is fine. Logged ticket with 3DR Sunday PM and actually updated the ticket today with my troubleshooting progress, but not a peep back so far.
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I do not save to camera roll, and do not use the record shots feature
I still have the problem
I do not save to camera roll, and do not use the record shots feature
I still have the problem

OK, but are sure they are actually disabled because I think they are turned on by default? (I didn't even know what they were until yesterday, and had to turn them off myself). If yours are off and you still have the problem then this "patch" doesn't work for everyone. going on 48 hours waiting response from 3DR for official word on the issue. Anyone else heard from 3DR about this yet?
I heard back from 3DR regarding smart shots...they suggested uninstalling app and clearing cache. I haven't tried yet but i flew yesterday with the Camera roll option disabled and it flew the cables perfectly.
They also said they are definitely awear of the issue and Tech is working on resolving it.
I heard back from 3DR regarding smart shots...they suggested uninstalling app and clearing cache. I haven't tried yet but i flew yesterday with the Camera roll option disabled and it flew the cables perfectly.
They also said they are definitely awear of the issue and Tech is working on resolving it.

Wow, they didn't give me that much. I heard back this morning as well but nothing about a known issue, just was told that my brand new Droid Turbo2 is no longer compatible with the latest update and that I should use a supported phone from the KB article he linked. Very very nice to know after I already flew my drone 1/2 mile out over the ocean with a newly "unsupported phone."

I went out to fly today and was purposefully delaying the firmware update until all the bugs were worked out but without the update, I had mpcc freeze up on me. Hitting B to end the learning portion of cc caused the solo to go into manual mode. Not a big deal but not what I expected. It also seemed to stay in the mpcc learning mode. Pressing || put it back into FLY but did not take it out of mpcc.

Brought it home and have now done an update on the whole system along with a calibration. We'll see how things go tomorrow. Cant' afford to lose mpcc; it's the best thing going.
I tested the update this evening and mpcc performed perfectly. However during fly mode on the 2nd battery, I noticed a momentary flop of the gimbal. I didn't see it again, even through the whole 3rd batt. Overall, good flights, and very happy that mpcc performed well even with a stored flight.
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