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@Petemac83 welcome onboard I hope you have an enjoyable flight with us today :) You can still cache maps while connected to wifi for the smart shots that require cellular. I'm using iPad minis and has been A OK. Others here are using Android, you will fit right in.

I wish I was not in sunny Queensland and down your way getting some shots in the mountains. There has been a great start to the ski season, fancy a day trip? I'd love to see some Solo shots in and out of the snow gums.

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Hi from ACT Australia, just bought a solo yesterday yet to give it whirl due to my iPhone 5 not being compatible, bought a cheap Lenovo tablet seems to work fine setting it and the practice app etc, a question I have though is, how much functionality do I lose by not having cellular, and will using a cheaper tablet affect the range of the wifi? I most plan on using it in the bush where I wouldn't get a signal anyhow, so didn't think it would be a huge issue. I have one month to get good at this thing before potentially taking it to Indonesia with me.

"how much functionality do you lose without cellular?"
That depends on the device. On Apple devices, if it isn't capable of cellular then it won't have a GPS chip needed for certain shots, like follow me. That doesn't mean you have to have a cellular connection, a data plan, or even have a sim card installed. It just has to be capable of cellular, so the wifi only versions won't work. For android, as long as it's a supported device (some unsupported work too but not guaranteed and might not work in some future update) and it has GPS and wifi, that's all you need. I believe every android has GPS. who the hell doesn't use gps in 2016? lol. Apple makes you pay $130 more for that privilege.

Beyond that, if the device doesn't have an active cellular/data connection, the only thing you'd lose are satellite maps out in the field unless you cache them beforehand. Really not a big deal at all. I never use the actual sat maps anyway and the regular view works just fine for me. You will still see the home location and the location/orientation of solo on the map without satellite image tiles.

The wifi range on the device is pretty negligible. The only thing the wifi on your device is doing is connecting to the wifi network on your controller (SoloLink). Since the tablet/device sits on the controller, it only needs to work for several inches ;)

Wifi between the controller and the Solo is different, and that's where the aftermarket antennas and things come into play.
Cellular will slow down performance for FPV purposes....You'd want to keep that tablet as clean and clear as possible..This will reduce the amt of lag on the screen. I Have minimal lag with my Nexus 7 but can hardly bear to look away from my bird. Turns out, for me that learning not to look directly at the craft is not without much difficulty. The cell connection is important if you want updates but that can be done over wifi and should be, usually.
I turn off my cell service when I use my phone...My phone laggs way more than tab..but its congested big time..The only reason its on the controller so I can start and stop the cam recording in flight. and monitor settings pre-flight (as of yet). ..Not sure about wifi range...I bet you could get info on wifi controller and ver. From tablet and input a "versus" scenario....

Man, a flyover of Ayers rock would be something!.
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Hey all...Doc here from Scotland. New user and new Solo owner.
@Petemac83 welcome onboard I hope you have an enjoyable flight with us today :) You can still cache maps while connected to wifi for the smart shots that require cellular. I'm using iPad minis and has been A OK. Others here are using Android, you will fit right in.

I wish I was not in sunny Queensland and down your way getting some shots in the mountains. There has been a great start to the ski season, fancy a day trip? I'd love to see some Solo shots in and out of the snow gums.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yeah I thought my iPhone 5 would work but it doesn't so don't want to waste too much more money, I'm having huge problems with streaming video to my pad though, think I may have a faulty solo, will have to investigate further, keep getting the waiting to connect to solo when I try to stream but control wise I can control the camera and fly etc. At the moment I wish I was in sunny Qld to be honest, lol.
"how much functionality do you lose without cellular?"
That depends on the device. On Apple devices, if it isn't capable of cellular then it won't have a GPS chip needed for certain shots, like follow me. That doesn't mean you have to have a cellular connection, a data plan, or even have a sim card installed. It just has to be capable of cellular, so the wifi only versions won't work. For android, as long as it's a supported device (some unsupported work too but not guaranteed and might not work in some future update) and it has GPS and wifi, that's all you need. I believe every android has GPS. who the hell doesn't use gps in 2016? lol. Apple makes you pay $130 more for that privilege.

Beyond that, if the device doesn't have an active cellular/data connection, the only thing you'd lose are satellite maps out in the field unless you cache them beforehand. Really not a big deal at all. I never use the actual sat maps anyway and the regular view works just fine for me. You will still see the home location and the location/orientation of solo on the map without satellite image tiles.

The wifi range on the device is pretty negligible. The only thing the wifi on your device is doing is connecting to the wifi network on your controller (SoloLink). Since the tablet/device sits on the controller, it only needs to work for several inches ;)

Wifi between the controller and the Solo is different, and that's where the aftermarket antennas and things come into play.
Hi, yeah I'm having problems with it at the moment but I suspect it is not the app, will have to sort it out, thanks for the reply.
Also a new member of the Solo community and so far so good. Started flying quads with small Blade mqx, then built a Disco Pro about 3 years ago that is reliable and great fun to fly but is not the aerial platform that the Solo is. But after years of careful battery management with the Pro's lipos, I am unsure how to store my Solo batts when not in use. Any help?
Hey All!!! Mike here from northern Utah. I'm a new Solo pilot 2 days ago. I've flown fixed wing gas and electric, and Helis for years. Been flying quad copters for the last few years. The 2 days I have had my Solo, I've flown over a dozen times so far. And looking forward to my day off tomorrow so I can really get into it.
New Solo owner here in Phoenix AZ. Love the drone when it's working, and praying joining here I can get some help (since 3dr is closed on weekends) when it's not.

Hello all.... I'm new to this solo thread, I have been a drone pilot for over year and a half now, we have started our company and I'm looking to utilize some of the technology that solo has with respect the new Kodak SP360 4K

3DR's Made for Solo program does 360-degree video on a budget

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Further the site Scan capabilities from solo open up a number of possible NEW uses..
Enterprise | 3DR - Drone & UAV Technology
We have some clients that want us to develop a product using the 360 camera ( with a few other capabilities ) and I'm looking for a person who understands the open source API interface for solo.. possibly become co-owner of the development.. I had a conversation with Colin yesterday of 3DR and explain to him what we were looking to do and he assured me that the capabilities are there but would need to use the open source API to get her done...., my issue is I have no experience with software development writing code and I'm looking to get someone who understands completely how to integrate a solution into 3DR backend.

If you are a developer that understands the open source API language that 3DR is using or know of someone please feel free to send them my way, I will explain the concept in general form... PLEASE note: we can only divulge the complete details of the project upon execution of a nondisclosure agreement in order to protect the intellectual property that we are attempting to do develop. Regards... Marc
Another new Solo owner here, from the Oregon Coast.

Machine arrives tomorrow (from a $599 deal last weekend).

From reading other posts here, this weekend will be fun or frustrating... I'll let yall know.

Either way, I am glad there is a place for Solo flyers to gather. Thanks for maintaining this forum, whoever is involved in all that.

Onward and Upward!
Enjoy your flight! I love the Oregon coast. Just make sure you practice a lot in wide open areas before doing anything else, tempting as it may be. Learn the bird and learn to fly in manual mode for the times GPS will get lost, and it will occasionally, so best be prepared. Once it flips to manual, the wind will be a MAJOR factor, especially on the coast. Don't get caught off-guard.
So we can get to know our fellow 3DR pilots!
New 3DR owner, a great present from my daughter for my 70th. Heading out for my first adventure next week on vacation. Haven't flown it yet since I live in Northern Va. and it is probably one of the most restricted air space areas in the US. Any other Northern Va. fliers around. Retired after 40-years as a photojournalist and looking forward to new photography.
Enjoy your flight! I love the Oregon coast. Just make sure you practice a lot in wide open areas before doing anything else, tempting as it may be. Learn the bird and learn to fly in manual mode for the times GPS will get lost, and it will occasionally, so best be prepared. Once it flips to manual, the wind will be a MAJOR factor, especially on the coast. Don't get caught off-guard.

Thanks for the tips Steve. Yeah, it is pretty nice flying over here alright. I normally fly an Inspire (for RE and commercial work) but was looking for something a little more portable to have in the car with me to scout new filming locations and whatnot. However, I have decided to send the Solo back as now that it is here, I can see I would like something still more portable... go figure... it was an impulse buy one night :)

Anyway, maybe I will use my old Pixhawk FC to build a smaller craft this winter and be back with you 3DR flyers next spring.

Hi my name is Mark I am also NEW to solo I have been following for some time ... I just purchased the Best Buy deal last night 499 two batteries gimbal and extra props...( also got 10% discount for opening BB card, KILLER DEAL ON THIS BIRD!)
I bought it primarily to mount the Kodak 360 camera too.. for our business probably will not be getting a gopro.... I just flew the SOLO this morning first flight..... And I've been flying DJI for sometime and I've been very interested In trying the SOLO product specifically because of the payload bay options third-party accessories.etc.......but I'm very surprised how unstable and how much it moves in GPS mode ( is that normal? ) .. I look forward to learning more about the aircraft in peoples experiences with it it probably will not be my primary use aircraft but I'm happy to be able to have one.
Hello, new to the forum. Just flew my first flight and survived. I live in the DC area and it is one of the heaviest no-fly zones in the country. It went well for a first time ever flying the drone. Had to take advantage of the beach visit to give it a go.
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Now to take my time and practice.
New to the Drone world just bought a 3DR Solo yesterday at Best buy as they had a good deal going so I bought the drone, gimbal, extra battery and case just getting familiar with howit works,having trouble viewing the live feed to my galaxy s5 it records and takes pictures just don't see the feed on the phone, any ideas, hope to learn from people who know about drones
New to the Drone world just bought a 3DR Solo yesterday at Best buy as they had a good deal going so I bought the drone, gimbal, extra battery and case just getting familiar with howit works,having trouble viewing the live feed to my galaxy s5 it records and takes pictures just don't see the feed on the phone, any ideas, hope to learn from people who know about drones
Welcome. The search function will serve you well - there are several threads addressing this problem. Not specifically relating to the S5 though - I have one of those and it works perfectly.

If you have additional questions after a judicious search, better to post somewhere other than Introductions, though.
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Welcome. The search function will serve you well - there are several threads addressing this problem. Not specifically relating to the S5 though - I have one of those and it works perfectly.

If you have additional questions after a judicious search, better to post somewhere other than Introductions, though.
Thanks SARDG I will try the search.
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