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When storing your battery for months over the winter!
Can you store your smart battery in the Fridge??
Iv read that some people store there battery in the fridge when storing for a long period of this true? And is this safe for your Solo Battery?
When storing your battery for months over the winter!
Can you store your smart battery in the Fridge??
Iv read that some people store there battery in the fridge when storing for a long period of this true? And is this safe for your Solo Battery?
Del, I have heard that also but have never tried it. I did read that if you store them in the fridge you want them in a air tight container with as much air removed so you don't have moisture in the container. Moisture and smart batteries don't mix.
So what would be the benefits storing the battery in the fridge when storing for months Vrs storing them on the top of your dresser at room temp..?
Anyone here ever experience a lipo fire? Raise yer hand!
I tried the fridge method once. The cold literally "freezes" the charge in place. No discharge at all, which is why lipos don't work well in cold weather without being kept warm.
Unfortunately - and I have not researched this so I may be spouting nonsense - freezing appears to cause a semi-permanent "rigidity" in parts of the battery. A brittleness, I guess.
Anyhow, I took some three-cell batts from the fridge a few years ago, put them on my bench overnight, then began charging one. Within ten seconds that red shrink-wrapped wonder started puffing up like a skillet of Jiffy Pop.
The seams split and now it became a smoke bomb.
Then the shrink wrap began blazing and the entire thing was literally roaring and spitting like someone had poured kerosene over it and dropped a match. A nice, cozy, extremely hot chemical fire.
Well, all ended well except that it burned up my charger, and I threw away the other frozen ones as well - no need to take a chance.
As I said before, this may all be idle speculation and BS of the purest ray serene... maybe the battery was just faulty...
But I really don't think so.
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Anyone here ever experience a lipo fire? Raise yer hand!
I tried the fridge method once. The cold literally "freezes" the charge in place. No discharge at all, which is why lipos don't work well in cold weather without being kept warm.
Unfortunately - and I have not researched this so I may be spouting nonsense - freezing appears to cause a semi-permanent "rigidity" in parts of the battery. A brittleness, I guess.
Anyhow, I took some three-cell batts from the fridge a few years ago, put them on my bench overnight, then began charging one. Within ten seconds that red shrink-wrapped wonder started puffing up like a skillet of Jiffy Pop.
The seams split and now it became a smoke bomb.
Then the shrink wrap began blazing and the entire thing was literally roaring and spitting like someone had poured kerosene over it and dropped a match. A nice, cozy, extremely hot chemical fire.
Well, all ended well except that it burned up my charger, and I threw away the other frozen ones as well - no need to take a chance.
As I said before, this may all be idle speculation and BS of the purest ray serene... maybe the battery was just faulty...
But I really don't think so.

Thanks for sharing your experience @Marich ..I don't think I'll be putting my smart batteries in the fridge just to be on the safe side!..ill just keep them on my dresser at room temp with a 50% charge and just keep checking them every couple weeks to make sure they stay around 50% while being stored for long period of time or till Spring arrives :)
Anyone here ever experience a lipo fire? Raise yer hand!
I tried the fridge method once. The cold literally "freezes" the charge in place. No discharge at all, which is why lipos don't work well in cold weather without being kept warm.
Unfortunately - and I have not researched this so I may be spouting nonsense - freezing appears to cause a semi-permanent "rigidity" in parts of the battery. A brittleness, I guess.
Anyhow, I took some three-cell batts from the fridge a few years ago, put them on my bench overnight, then began charging one. Within ten seconds that red shrink-wrapped wonder started puffing up like a skillet of Jiffy Pop.
The seams split and now it became a smoke bomb.
Then the shrink wrap began blazing and the entire thing was literally roaring and spitting like someone had poured kerosene over it and dropped a match. A nice, cozy, extremely hot chemical fire.
Well, all ended well except that it burned up my charger, and I threw away the other frozen ones as well - no need to take a chance.
As I said before, this may all be idle speculation and BS of the purest ray serene... maybe the battery was just faulty...
But I really don't think so.
Damn, how cold do you keep your fridge. LOL. I have never tried putting them in the fridge. My white birds batteries have a little moisture detector stuck to the battery in a very discreet spot so don't want to risk a warranty issue for the battery if I ever have a problem. Them Chinese folks are sneaky little devils, they will try anything to get out of a warranty claim.
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I have batteries that have sat idle for years at 50% and after a few charge cycles, worked good as new. Room temp with a proper voltage is key. The important thing is to keep enough charge on them so they don't naturally discharge to a point that the cells become imbalanced. Keeping them fully charged for too long can cause them to puff. Freezing them... Well, idk. It works well with regular nicads but would be leery with anything as volitile as lithium...
My white birds batteries have a little moisture detector stuck to the battery in a very discreet spot so don't want to risk a warranty issue for the battery if I ever have a problem. Them Chinese folks are sneaky little devils, they will try anything to get out of a warranty claim.
o_O I don't think "them Chinese folks" have a monopoly on this. Didn't Apple put water indicators on all their charge ports? Capitalism? Isn't that what the West is all about? :rolleyes: But let's not go there.
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So I'll probably totally get flamed for this but I don't think there is anything wrong with a company putting some sort of indicator on their products to show that a user has mistreated a product when they are trying to get warrantee work done.
So I'll probably totally get flamed for this but I don't think there is anything wrong with a company putting some sort of indicator on their products to show that a user has mistreated a product when they are trying to get warrantee work done.
My comment was directed at the racial slur or "humour", however the comment was intended.
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My comment was directed at the racial slur or "humour", however the comment was intended.
And my comment was directed at the original post about "them Chinese folks post". I should of quoted...
And my comment was directed at the original post about "them Chinese folks post". I should of quoted...
I am sorry if you injected racism into my statement and were offended, I forgot that we live in a hyper sensitive society now. Everyone is offended by something.
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I am sorry if you injected racism into my statement and were offended, I forgot that we live in a hyper sensitive society now. Everyone is offended by something.
It's not all about being offended or sensitivity. It's about relevancy and the need to inject said racism when you have absolutely no idea who you are broadcasting your message to, considering this is an open forum with many international members. People just don't need to hear it. It's just as easy to save it for your fun jokes with buddies while sucking back a beer when you know they won't get offended and take it the wrong way.
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I am sorry if you injected racism into my statement and were offended, I forgot that we live in a hyper sensitive society now. Everyone is offended by something.
Personally not offended. Just cringe a bit when someone makes the rest of us Americans look like idiots to the international community...
It's not all about being offended or sensitivity. It's about relevancy and the need to inject said racism when you have absolutely no idea who you are broadcasting your message to, considering this is an open forum with many international members. People just don't need to hear it. It's just as easy to save it for your fun jokes with buddies while sucking back a beer when you know they won't get offended and take it the wrong way.
So by your description saying American, Canadian, European or Korean "folks" is a racial slur? I feel very sorry for you if that is the way you want to go thru life, being offended by any and everything. Good day, you are not worth conversing with any longer.
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So by your description saying American, Canadian, European or Korean "folks" is a racial slur? I feel very sorry for you if that is the way you want to go thru life, being offended by any and everything. Good day, you are not worth conversing with any longer.
I don't think "Chinese folks" is offensive... Its insuating that they are sneaky little devil's for adding a security measure to stop people from making a fraudulent warranty claim after mistreating a product. Not to mention you are grouping an entire race of people into the decision of one company...
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I am sorry if you injected racism into my statement and were offended, I forgot that we live in a hyper sensitive society now. Everyone is offended by something.
Jeez, here we go again!
You know what?
When Obama ran for President and I refused to even discuss the possibility of voting for him, people in my town (very possibly the most liberal place in the US including SF and NYC) immediately began throwing flipping race cards at me.
"Racist! Racist!"
Never mind, of course, that I'm a very conservative Republican/Libertarian.
Just a few weeks ago I mentioned among liberal company that Ben Carson seemed to be a decent candidate.
Guess what? I was yet again being a racist! The cards were flying once more.
Well... truth is, I am approximately 75% Native American - Blackfoot - so I'm in a fairly unique position. Since few people know this as my skin is lighter than usual, I have been called both a racist during one minute - and a victim of racism during the latter 30 seconds.
Ain't life grand? I'm sick of the entire race-baiting sham.
When I see a person I see a person.
It's too damned bad the people screaming most loudly about it see a black man, yellow man - or a red man. That is the very definition of latent racism.
It's not all about being offended or sensitivity. It's about relevancy and the need to inject said racism when you have absolutely no idea who you are broadcasting your message to, considering this is an open forum with many international members. People just don't need to hear it. It's just as easy to save it for your fun jokes with buddies while sucking back a beer when you know they won't get offended and take it the wrong way.
Oops, missed this one! Dang, shoulda waited longer before I made the above post!
Sorry, but I really had no idea your intention was simply to label Bigskyflyer and his beer-swilling friends as "Rednecks"!
Now how in the name of the H-Bar-O ranch didn't I see that one coming? I must be slippin'.
Ain't it a wonder how them rednecks has got brainpower enough to even fly one of these things, anyhow. Hail, you'd never know it, what with all them guns and pickup trucks. Surprised one of em even has smarts enough to even figger out how to post here!
Them wonders... they ain't never gonna cease.
So by your description saying American, Canadian, European or Korean "folks" is a racial slur? I feel very sorry for you if that is the way you want to go thru life, being offended by any and everything. Good day, you are not worth conversing with any longer.
Wow. Love your logic. But that's to be expected with your back handed apology. Your statement was these Chinese folk are sneaky devils. What do all the Chinese folk have to do with DJI and your battery tamper device?

Ironically you spout about these Chinese folk who happen to make all your household product including Solo I might add.

Gross generalization about race? What word describes that?

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