Killing Zone

Dec 27, 2017
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How many people are seeing grand offers on Craigslist that no one ever responds back to even after a few days
I FELL I’m gonna kill someone because this annoyance happens all the time when I’m checking Craigslist, OfferUp, LetGo
Thanks to TextNow and GoogleVoice I don’t have to use my actual phone
By the way anyone interested in a large HeliPad / PoolTable
Can you take your medication before posting on the internet. Most of your rambling posts don't make sense, and this is the icing on the cake. This has nothing to do with Solo. Take this somewhere else.
Can you take your medication before posting on the internet. Most of your rambling posts don't make sense, and this is the icing on the cake. This has nothing to do with Solo. Take this somewhere else.
I was thinking the same thing...but was wondering if it was just me...glad to see it is not.
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Really was just asking if anyone had issues of dealing with scams of people saying they have a Solo but really don’t
I just made it comical -
Unlike saying take my medications wasn’t really nice- you’re taking things too personal - the pool table is for sale
It was a totally serious suggestion.

I’m sure it could’ve been
But I’m wondering how safe it is to say things from the confines of the keyboard, I find All too much no one has the same audacity away from the safety of their phone or puter
C’est la vie
Can you take your medication before posting on the internet. Most of your rambling posts don't make sense, and this is the icing on the cake. This has nothing to do with Solo. Take this somewhere else.
This literally had me in tears from laughing so hard.
Now for the serious part. Was it a bit harsh? Perhaps. But it's the truth. Those posts are ramblings that are poorly written and difficult to understand.
And i don't find humor in making a comment about wanting to kill someone.
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I’m sure it could’ve been
But I’m wondering how safe it is to say things from the confines of the keyboard, I find All too much no one has the same audacity away from the safety of their phone or puter
C’est la vie

Good news. I am just as blunt in person.
Glad to provide some entertainment - even if it kills you from dying laughing - it won’t be my blades exploding
Let's dial it back a notch in here people. This is getting a little too personal & heated. Keep it friendly.
I moved this to a more appropriate location.

How much for the big green landing pad? o_O

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