Shutting down threads and Green Cubes!

May 8, 2017
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Portland Oregon
OK, I can understand when the hissy fits start that no one wants to read ongoing squabbles, but please think about how the rest of us are affected by shutting down such threads. For me, I usually have a ton of bad jokes ready to post and now they've all gone to waste........ unfair people! Please give at least a 24 hour warning that a thread will be shut down so I can post my witty one liners!

Anyway, 2nd part of this post is about green cubes!

My first green cube was a 100% entirely green cube. Nice metallic green and quite eye catching.
My 2nd green cube seems to be what most others are getting, a black cube with a green badge on it. Now for me, I'm in two minds about this. I thought I'd wouldn't like the color as much, but I admit that I find myself liking the 2 tone job.

I know what you're thinking "but who cares what the color is, no one will see it?". To which I say "Damnit, now I want a clear perspex cover on the bottom of my drone with internal LED's... get designing folks!" (I'm more of a monkey see monkey do kinda guy...).

All of this has of course led to one good thing, those of you who also like prettified drones will now realize a 100% awesome looking metalic green cube...... is a collectors item! So..... who wants to buy one for $600? ....... (yeah I'm kidding.........I wouldn't ask for more than $599 at most...). :p

Anyway, I'm being nice and caring and posting this in the off topic section so it won't be mistaken for a serious conversation (no matter if I'm serious about it or not). Hopefully everyone is going to have a nice week ahead of them!
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well that should be easy.... pull the one outta your left penny-loafer shoe.
And you’ll still have one cent left to share!
Betting you receive compliments about that “ green “ green cube all the time! You must fly your Solo unassembled! Now Irishman, his legendary ancestors have convinced him that green is “ lucky!” (New York Jet fans wish it were so!)
But to each his own; I just want the green cube that performs and returns my Solo back to me at the end of a flight; would care what color.
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Betting you receive compliments about that “ green “ green cube all the time! You must fly your Solo unassembled! Now Irishman, his legendary ancestors have convinced him that green is “ lucky!” (New York Jet fans wish it were so!)
But to each his own; I just want the green cube that performs and returns my Solo back to me at the end of a flight; would care what color.
Coming from Ireland I'll tell you the following:

A: No One says "Top O Da Mornin to ya" (I say it all the time to perpetuate the stereotype though)
B: Wearing something green all the time is just another stereotype (which I do my best to fulfill)
C: If you pinch someone for not wearing green on St Patrick's day... be prepared to get punched in the face, hard!
D: St Patrick's Day, Paddy's day are both acceptable phrases. ST Patty's day, or Patty's day are NOT acceptable, EVER!

Oh and I'm serious, internal LED lighting, a small clear plastic cover on the bottom of the drone... it would look AWESOME... (for those of us lucky to have a GREEN green cube...)

Oh which reminds me...
E: They didn't even used to sell Lucky Charms in Ireland, no one would buy them, who the hell wants to eat a bowl of sweets for breakfast? (Candy being the American term).

For more fun "Irish" facts, please wait until my next post or until I'm bored out of my skull.

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