Solo app update

Yeah, I've updated my iphone 7plus and now when I press the "Fly Solo" button it crashes the app. Is there an update available I'm not aware of yet? iPhone 7+ running OSX 10.3 Hope there is an update soon or the Solo is worthless wihtout the POV.
Sam007 Here's what I was told by 3DR support:


Thank you for contacting 3DR Customer Support.

We have opened a report to investigate this case, but we don't have any expected date for this to be fixed, we suggest you go back to the IOS version 10.2, we do apologize for the inconvenience.

If there is anything else we can assist you with, please let us know. Thank you."

To go back to 10.2 isn't going to happen here. Should I suspend updates and security fixes? I don't think so. Can you share where you saw that post on the 3DR website?
Support indicates today that they will be giving the ETA on the app update in their forums. Not known when it will be available.
You are correct sir. I am updating it right now. Thank you for calling me out on this.

It's great to fly again! Hope your's works as well as mine did. Yes it would have been nice for them to keep us informed, but was REALLY a great surprise to find out they had updated it! Made my day to know they hadn't forgotten us. :)
I got an update on my solo the Solo app about a week and a half ago the update was adding either the Japanese or Chinese language

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