Who has more issues? The Phantom 4 or SOLO

Apr 28, 2016
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I could read in the Dji forum, that Phantom 4 has many issues.
Even with the last update, the thing gets worse.
Do you think that SOLO has such important issues as it has Phantom 4 ?
What issues are around SOLO, right now ?
I'm not really up to date with the issues. I know the Solo has its fair share of problems. What problems do the Phantoms currently have?
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(Watch, this will get Pyrate fired up.)

I don't have any problems with my Phantoms. They'rrrreeee great!!!

(Just funnin')

Sounds like someone is trying to start another sh@t storm.(the op not you).
Uppss !!! o_O
I am sorry. I only mentioned the Phantom 4 as a reference. Given that it is a new model, which has several issues.
Actually what I want to know is if there are still issues to solve, affecting the SOLO.
I want to buy one, but I don't know, Phantom 4 or SOLO ? ( I already have a GoPro4 Black )
And when you read all those posts in the forum of Phantom, it makes me doubt.
Uppss !!! o_O
I am sorry. I only mentioned the Phantom 4 as a reference. Given that it is a new model, which has several issues.
Actually what I want to know is if there are still issues to solve, affecting the SOLO.
I want to buy one, but I don't know, Phantom 4 or SOLO ? ( I already have a GoPro4 Black )
And when you read all those posts in the forum of Phantom, it makes me doubt.
Keep in mind typically people come to forums to complain, not to praise, so the complaints are a small amount of the actual happy users. Also, if you are referring to our sister site, www.phantompilots.com , you have to consider the fact that there are just about 50,000 members over there compared to about 4,000 members here... obviously there will be more people complaining as the user base is much, much larger than the 3DR user base. Both are good machines that anyone should be proud to own.
Keep in mind typically people come to forums to complain, not to praise, so the complaints are a small amount of the actual happy users. Also, if you are referring to our sister site, www.phantompilots.com , you have to consider the fact that there are just about 50,000 members over there compared to about 4,000 members here... obviously there will be more people complaining as the user base is much, much larger than the 3DR user base. Both are good machines that anyone should be proud to own.

I use to read the Phantom 4 forum, on Dji website. It is a bit worrying, the issues that the Phantom 4 has, being a new version, that already has three brothers.
That's what makes me doubt. I'll wait and read a little more before making a decision.
But anyway, I'm interested in knowing, what problems have not been solved in the SOLO.

Thank you
The best way to know which to buy, is to first understand what you want to use it for.
When you are very sure of that pick the one that most closely meets your needs.
Going on a users forum for one or another of the products is just going to bring you biased opinions.

The purchase of a UAV is no different than purchasing photography equipment, Stereo Equipment, Racing Equipment
No two are the same, one will excel where one fails, and vice versa

The solo is attractive to people who want more of a platform that give the user some access to change the bird.
If you dont like messing with things and just want an out of the box bird it might no be right for you

I was recently trying to make the same decision. Since I already had a 3DR pixhawk quad that I had built I was pretty well versed on the company and products. I swore I would never own a DJI product but the capabilities of the P4 exerted a strong pull.

I have closely watched the boards and forums on the Solo since before the shaky launch. It seems the number of issue have decreased over time and the ones that remain can be eliminated or mitigated. DJI may yet solve the issues on the P4 and many seem to be happy with the craft they purchased.

I decided to purchase a Solo and found a new one with gimbal for $810; a P4 is $1,400. Like you I already own a GP4B used with my other quad. So entry price for the Solo is much lower. More money for extra batteries and other items needed to make the package complete.

Other factors to consider and why I chose the Solo.

If smooth cinematic moves are a priority Solo wins with MPCC. If not, and just decent filming is ok then the 3rd party apps for the P4 offer better control options for that level of filming than Tower or Mission Planner do for the Solo.

The cameras available are close enough in abilities that there is no clear winner. A GP5 may come out and fit the Solo giving it a much bigger advantage over the current P4 camera. DJI and Yuneec will come out with a next generation craft with better cameras at some point and then the value of a P4 will plummet. A Solo if purchased at the right price to begin with will retain a much larger percentage of it's purchase cost.

I may be pulled away from the Solo when one of those companies offer a compelling next generation craft that includes a better camera than the current choices. That point may be a year or more out by the time the cameras change and the crafts get debugged. In the mean time I will enjoy exploring what the Solo has to offer as the most cinematic one person platform currently available.

I do not expect my new Solo to be perfect, I expect to fix some things. I hope not to have to send it in for repair. I do expect to have a good time on this uncertain journey without a final destination.
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Well, guess I'll jump in.
Keep in mind that when I - and a bunch of others here - bought our Solos they cost a thousand bucks, plus a gimbal for another four hundred, plus a GoPro 4 Silver or Black at $400 to $500.
So, our initial investment was quite a bit higher that the P4. Even now a Solo is roughly the same cost as the P4 when adding the GoPro cost. You must assume the average buyer won't have a GoPro and has to buy one, whereas the P4 buyer has no such need.
Owning both 3DR and DJI products and having flown but not owning a P4, I can say this with absolute certainty:
The build quality of Solo is so much higher that any of the Phantoms it's literally a joke. Handling both, the DJI product invariably feels as if constructed of eggshells.
There is absolutely no escaping the fact that P4s are notorious for flyaways, and also grounding themselves whenever or wherever DJI decide they will. Both these things are pretty much beyond dispute.
Adding to that is the so-so performance of the P4 "special" features, such as the follow me equivalent. They simply ain't as good as Solos.
Solo has evolved significantly since its inception and new features are arriving at a quick pace, averaging every two months or so. Solo is extremely reliable.
Some have issues with gps lock. There are very simple mods that help alleviate the issue (though I've never been bothered myself).
Battery life could be better, but just carry extra batteries until a higher capacity one becomes available, be it factory or aftermarket.
When you buy a Solo...
...you don't need to worry incessantly about flyaways and unscheduled and often violent auto lands.
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I bought the solo because it looks like a drone is supposed to look and I wanted a little more heft to handle the wind. Also, I already had the GoPro with all accessories. I had intermittent problems with gps lock until I double checked plug and reset as per customer service. Now it's very quick lock. I also had intermittent problems with wireless connection. RTH was 100% reliable but I thought too frequent and it made me nervous. So, I bought the $20 Alfa antennas which work great.
My experience with solo, it has a lot of vibration that I couldn't take it off. And I try 3 units and 4 gimbals
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you leave out
How are you flying?
Have you balanced props
Have you rerouted cable or tried a ribbon cable

Hate to break the news to you, but people who build very expensive custom birds deal with vibrations
You have a camera platform flying in turbulent air with 4 or more high RPM motors and props.
All UAVs including DJI and Yuneec can produce shaky video.
Just search you tube.

DJI has some in camera stabilization and that will help.
but if you want buttery smooth video, you will have to understand all the components to get there
reducing initial vibration on the bird
  • Balance Props
  • Balance Motor Bells
  • Isolate the gimbal
  • Balance the gimbal
  • shoot at the best frame rates (60FPS)
  • Use Filters to reduce shutter speed ND8
Flying correctly
  • Slow deliberate movements
  • Fly in low or no cross wind conditions
  • Fly manual if possible GPS can introduce jumpiness

Post processing
  • Use good stabilizing in post (the pros do)
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Hey pirate. I tell u what a did, balance my props with the dubro. All of them, and I tried flying without the hdmi cable, I had no feed, but recorded the video anyways. I have hero4 and did level and compass calibration every time I fly. And I did not try the filters because I want to try it with the less weight I can. I tried to balance my motors, but they look very well. I will try to upload something so you can see what I'm talking about. Thanks for your reply
Do you think that SOLO has such important issues as it has Phantom 4 ?


Here is my honest take on this subject. I'm a complete amateur, never really got into the RC stuff before (I was too busy working). I got into these MR's about a year and a half ago. My first birds were the toys (I learned to do that first from these forums). I learned how to fly a Hubsan enough to do most things with it, especially annoy my wife and teenage daughter when her boyfriend would come over. Then I bought my first P2V+v3. I had a blast with that thing (I still fly it today). At some point it got a mind of it's own (or I did something that I've never been able to figure out) and it blasted itself, full speed into the dirt! Damned near totaled. With the help of other forum members and a few bucks I rebuilt it (great learning experience).

I currently own my P2, 2-P3Pro's and the Solo. For me, a novice and amateur, the P3's are extremely easy to fly and do all I need them to do from an amateur video perspective. I can't stand DJI as a company and purchased my DJI products with the understanding that if they crapped out, I'd just throw them in the trash.

I got my first P3 shortly after it was released and my second as soon as the prices dropped after DJI released the P4 (the P4 just didn't get me excited enough to go through the first version bumps and bruises). I'm very comfortable with my P3's. I've purchased some aftermarket safety devices for them and haven't experienced any of the issues that you read about on the other forums. I have made the decision to not do the many firmware updates that come out regularly as I can rarely see the benefit and I'm very suspicious of DJI's motives. I also fly all of my DJI birds with a 3rd party flight app.

I purchased my Solo after a great deal of research and because I loved the idea of having an open-source, American product. I'm satisfied with my Solo but have had to spend quite a bit of time and money trying to isolate vibration issues. I've replaced a motor pod (I have 7 new ones in stock), the HDMI cable and props. I've purchased a prop balancer and have balanced both my props and motors to the best of my ability. (I haven't had the need to do these things with my P3's). I've also purchased an FPLVR for a better connection and signal.

The Solo is a sturdier product and to me flies in a more steady manner. The Solo takes a bit more to launch. I have to wait longer for sat locks and up until the latest update had a few more buttons to push to power everything up. I also have to do a few more software functions to get it up and going and may need to swap applications depending on how I am planning to fly. All minor issues but different from the P3.

In summary, from purely an amateurs perspective, the P3 is a bit more of a turn it on and fly device and the Solo requires a bit more knowledge and tinkering. They are both good birds, just different. I guess the answer to your question is answered easier depending on what you intend to do with it. The professionals here can provide much more depth from a photo and video perspective. I don't have the experience or background for that part of it. As far as I'm concerned, they all require continuing education, knowledge and practice to fly successfully long-term.

All just my amateur opinion, of course.

I could read in the Dji forum, that Phantom 4 has many issues.
Even with the last update, the thing gets worse.
Do you think that SOLO has such important issues as it has Phantom 4 ?
What issues are around SOLO, right now ?
Well, this is a loaded question. LuvMyTJ touched on a very good point. Let's put some numbers to this discussion. We will just use the number of members from each forum.

DJI-49,394 members covering four models
3DR-4,343 members covering three models
Say 1% percent of each are having issues, that would be 494 people having issues with the DJI quads and 43 people having issues with their 3DR quads. If you do your research you will find out that you would be hard pressed to find 494 different people having problems with their Phantoms and it also would be hard to find 43 different people having problems with their 3DR quads. I would also think that more than 99% of owners of each are completely satisfied with their purchase. Unlike Marich I can't seem to find enough flyaways with the P4 where I am willing to say they are "Notorious" for flyaways. I do not have experience with the P4 but have experience with the Solo and P3. I chose to keep only one quad but I will keep my decision to myself because I made my decision based on my needs/wants not anyone on this forum's or the Phantom forum. You will notice that it does not matter which forum you read, if some one on the other forum has a problem, it is the quads fault not operator error but if they bring up a problem on their quads forum it is automatically pilot error, kind of funny how that works, but what do you expect, you are going to get bias no matter what forum you visit. I guess all I can say is you need to make your own decision based on your research, it is kind of like voting, don't let anyone tell you what you want or need, go with your gut and get the one that fits your needs not what someone else thinks you need or want. Have a great day and I am sure you will enjoy whichever one you decide to go with.
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The point is that in Spain, there are plenty of Phantoms, but you do not see SOLOs. (By now)
Therefore I have no possibility to compare these two models, and I trust the information I read in forums, about SOLO.

Thanks to Jerry and Bigskyflyer

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