I’m guessing No One uses this

Dec 27, 2017
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An app called +Drone , supposedly you keep track of your drone...???
But logging in I can see that it seems as though I’m flying but I’m not really...
NOTICE LOCATION.... it’s a definite NO FLY ZONE
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Sorry newbie question, what is the point to use this app if you can track your drone via your controller or the apps from the original manufacturer itself
Sorry newbie question, what is the point to use this app if you can track your drone via your controller or the apps from the original manufacturer itself
i think his point was just to have a backup tracker just in case. been there and it's a waste of money losing your drone :( so that's why i attached a drone tracker myself. i'm using trackimo and it works well :)
i think his point was just to have a backup tracker just in case. been there and it's a waste of money losing your drone :( so that's why i attached a drone tracker myself. i'm using trackimo and it works well :)
I agree. do you have a link for this trackimo? Also, is there a monthly/yearly fee for service?
Sorry newbie question, what is the point to use this app if you can track your drone via your controller or the apps from the original manufacturer itself
its actually just a 2nd option incase your controller gets jammed.
i think it had adequate satellites and i think the battery was worn. i flew it up, flyaway, empty battery, no sight of him at the last position record in his logs. sad thing :(
that's what happens when you don't fully charge it up. well i hope you learned your lesson. be careful next time. cheers

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