Pixhawk (Black cube) ‘standard’ carrier boards

There are people looking for Full CB’s, why not go for those given I have the Mini’s (somewhat) covered?
Full disclosure: I have the saf, the mini, and the 4 layer version c 3DR Full C.B. on order. All coming in quantity so sourcing the parts for them is a Paramount concern for me at this point.
So I never did get around to progressing the mini boards, other things going on took priority. The good news though is both the mini (a great version that integrates the breakout) and standard board are available for pre-order from Bask in AU Autopilots Products | Bask Aerospace and from 3DXR in UK Carrier Boards Archives - 3DXR - Unmanned Aerial Systems & Pixhawk 2
No doubt available through other distributors as well Stores - Pixhawk2
Apologies if this old news or posted elsewhere
Thanks to those responsible for bringing these to market. I’m sure they’ll both be popular.
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You've just made the board of my dreams. Now hopefully it is available at Jester's here in the USA soon.

I've been following your endeavours with much fervour for many months now - but have refrained from joining this Forum until becoming a 'real' Solo Pilot.

Well, here I am all loud-and-proud - ( just landed a pair of Solos ), and keen to ask of you, are you still moving on this lil' project of yours, or have you parked it, 'On-the-side-with-Fries-and-a-Coke'?

Let me know where you are here in Oz, ( hopefully here in Melbourne ), as I've got a real keen hunger for a number of those unpopulated mini-CBs of yours.

Here's to fingies-crossed that you're still around...

I've been following your endeavours with much fervour for many months now - but have refrained from joining this Forum until becoming a 'real' Solo Pilot.

Well, here I am all loud-and-proud - ( just landed a pair of Solos ), and keen to ask of you, are you still moving on this lil' project of yours, or have you parked it, 'On-the-side-with-Fries-and-a-Coke'?

Let me know where you are here in Oz, ( hopefully here in Melbourne ), as I've got a real keen hunger for a number of those unpopulated mini-CBs of yours.

Here's to fingies-crossed that you're still around...

Yes I’m still around, but shelved my endeavours once ‘official’ production versions were released.

I have a stack of blank boards and components (including a few Black Cubes) and an aluminium solder screen - would be happy to sell any/all for less than cost price to another enthusiast.

PM me if you are interested and we can work out the details.
I've just 'Snapple-Crack-n-Popped you' with a PM -


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