Solo GPS Rev A / Rev B Availability... Official

Mine I ordered on the 4th still says "Processing". Much like most of my past 3DR orders that never properly process. Customer Support says it's backordered.
10 days shipment to Germany. Ordered July 1.
The V2 shield rocks. Good results with the rev A GPS. Even better results with my m8n. Time to fix, HDOP and #sats significantly improved.
Cold start <40sec (new location)
Warm start <10 sec
HDOP <0.5 (m8n)
#sats 23-25 (m8n)

Better results than with any of my DIY drones and DJI gear.

Worth the money. No need to buy the "Rev B" GPS.

You use these settings?
  • PRT: Baud Rate 38400
  • RATE: Measurement period 200 msec (5 Hz)
  • GNSS: enable Galileo by checking the box.
  • NAV5: Dynamic Model Airborne <4G; Fix Mode 3 – Auto 2D/3D
All other params are kept default.
You use these settings?
  • PRT: Baud Rate 38400
  • RATE: Measurement period 200 msec (5 Hz)
  • GNSS: enable Galileo by checking the box.
  • NAV5: Dynamic Model Airborne <4G; Fix Mode 3 – Auto 2D/3D
All other params are kept default.
Yes thats what I have configured. Baudrate does not need to be preset since Solo will do this during boot up.
My shield arrived at my us address. Waiting for it to make its way to my aussie address. Took a bit to get to my us address.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
I tried to place an order using the coupon code "FBGPSV2" only to get an error stating "Coupon code usage limit exceeded".

Is anyone else seeing this problem?
Should be interesting to hear your results with the new sheiks my rev A and B perform about the same

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well they must have gotten a bunch of requests at Current UAS, because they completely ignored my email and never even replied to my request for 2 RevB boards. :(

Same here... 3 phone calls and email over the course of a week. No reply.

Where did you get yours, Steve?
try the shield first
you may find you don't need the rev B board
You know, to be honest, I'm fine with the RevA with IMP Concepts shield (my new 3DR shields are still in the mail). I'm just that type of personality... if it's available somewhere I just have to get the damn thing.
One of my Solos I use only every 2 months or so (leave it at a different location) and this last time from cold start after 2 mos of no power it got lock in ~2 mins. After that first lock it took no longer than 45 sec to 1 min to be ready to fly.
people are going wonky over that thing
and it is OK, if you want one and its available grab it
I just think Vu nailed it when the told the group the secret is the shield not the new board
So finally got a reply from Current UAS: "We have been hit with a ton of calls about the rev b gps boards, thank you for your patience, the rev b gps will be back in stock September. Please try back and we can take your order then." I'm confident that I probably won't need it, but will still try again in September.
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So finally got a reply from Current UAS: "We have been hit with a ton of calls about the rev b gps boards, thank you for your patience, the rev b gps will be back in stock September. Please try back and we can take your order then." I'm confident that I probably won't need it, but will still try again in September.

I just received the same reply.

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